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Charged EVs | Debug automotive serial buses faster with advanced tools

Sponsored by Keysight.

Debugging complex electronic systems in automotive applications can be daunting. One key challenge is ensuring proper communication between transmitters, receivers, and sensors by analyzing the captured serial bus data and decoding it into meaningful symbols. This requires an oscilloscope with serial protocol analysis, deep and segmented memory, and a fast waveform update rate.

The Keysight InfiniiVision HD3 Series oscilloscope is designed with the tools you need to:

  • Trigger and decode on common automotive serial buses
  • Capture long time spans of signal data
  • Uncover elusive glitches that can cause system defects
  • Quickly identify and analyze protocol errors into meaningful insights

Download Keysight application notes today to discover how to streamline your debugging process, accelerate your development cycle, and deliver innovative automotive solutions.

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